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Bees,   function of honey

Why are bees so important in our everyday life? What would be the consequences if bees did not pollinate our plants, fruit trees and flowers? How much crops we could expect? These questions are not only poetical hypothesis but very serious momentums of our everyday life. If bees do not pollinate our plants we cannot expect any crops later. Cultivation of plants and apiary are tightly connected to each other. The hard-working little bees would not be able to produce those essential substances which ensure the vitamins and nutriments for human organism.

What is honey?

Bees collect the flower nectar and alter it in their own organism. Following that they store it in the cells of comb and finally cover it with a layer of wax. THIS IS HONEY. The honey itself contains several types of sugar (fruit- sugar and glucose) which influence the crystallization of honey. Besides natural sugars several useful substances can be found in honey for example: organic acids, vitamins, enzymes, mineral substances and volatile oils. Honey is a natural sweeter so the absorption into the human organism is very simple. It has an antiseptic and bacteria killer effect too so honey is also suitable for curing both inside and outside inflammations and wounds. Its further effect is that it supports digestion, the liver, the selection of water, good for the muscles, it has a soothing effect too and strengthens the weak heart. But each type of honey is different. The more species of plants the pollen is collected from the more kind of honey is finally produced for example: acacia, lime, chestnut, forest, rape, silky-grass, sunflower, hawthorn, coriander, ramsons and mixed flower honey all with different effects on human organism.


Natural Hungarian Farm Honey

Acacia Honey

 The acacia tree was first brought to Hungary by Mr. Sámuel Tessedik with the purpose of improving the loose and sandy soil. Due to its favourable natural capabilities the acacia tree spread in the whole country very quickly so nowadays in Hungary from the total number of trees, 24% is acacia tree. Hungary is the only country in Europe where the number of acacia tree is so high (appr. 345.000 hectare). Due to the great number of acacia forests in Hungary the high quality Hungarian acacia honey has gained a world-wide acknowledgement. This type of honey is also used for improving the quality of poorer quality honey. It has a crystal clean colour and it can change from the light yellow colour to the slightly greenish version. The acacia honey has a pleasant, harmonious taste and has a light acacia flower scent. Due to the high fructose content the acacia honey remains liquid for a long time. It has a soothing effect and is also good for digestive problems caused by hyperacidity. Due to its flavour small children and elderly people consume it with pleasure on a daily basis. Besides these favourable qualities the acacia honey contains robizine and acacine. Eat this honey if you cough, it is a very good antiseptic.

Mixed flower honey

Due to its inner compound the mixed flower honey is one of the most valuable honey among the several types of honey. The nectar is collected from different kind of flowers so it contains the active substances of all these flowers. The colour of this honey can be light brown and dark brown as well depending on the type of the flower nectar. The mixed flower honey has high glucose content so it crystallizes very easily and becomes partially liquid and crystallized honey. Crystallization is a natural process and it does not have a bad influence on the quality of honey. With flower honey you can sweeten cakes or just eat it for your own pleasure. 

Silk- grass honey

Silk-grass appeared in Hungary approximately at the same time as acacia tree. Silk-grass can be found in the territory of the Kiskunság.  Bees collect the nectar from the delicious, wild grown herbs. Silk grass honey has a typical, intensive and spicy scent. Its colour is yellow, the crystallization is slow because of the high fructose content of the honey. It is very popular in the French cuisine and used for softening and spicing of meat dishes. The pollen content is low, because bees do not collect the pollens of the flower. People who have allergy problems can consume this honey as well. Silk- grass honey has a blood pressure regulator effect and strengthens human organism. According to clinical tests this kind of honey is the most effective anti-inflammatory drug. Unfortunately this honey is hardly known in other countries of the world but very popular in Hungary.


Linden honey

In Hungary there are different types of lime trees with small, big, or silver leaves. The flowers are yellow and green colours. This type of plant does not require any artificial handling, so it does not require further plant protection processes. The colour of the linden honey can be light brown or mid-brown, it depends on the collection time of the nectar. Its taste is strong, intensive and a little bit bitter, it has an intensive scent so you can feel the flavour of lime. It has a good calming and antispasmodic effect, it is recommended if you have bronchitis, fever, cold or if you want to use it just for prevention.

Sunflower honey

This plant is grown and is very popular for its oil, but is also used for feeding animals. It is 1,5-2 meter high plant, has plate formed, yellow flower. Sunflower honey can be golden or orange coloured. Its taste is strong, spicy, the flavour is intensive. The crystallization process has two phases: crystallized honey on the bottom, and liquid on the top. It is used for cooking, has strengthening, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. It is not recommended if you have over-acidity, because it has high acid content. Sunflower honey has high vitamin E content.

Rape honey

Rape is grown in the whole area of Hungary. This is the first flower in spring which gives nectar. It is a cultivated plant. When rape is growing in the fields we can see seas of yellow flower everywhere. Rape honey is yellow when it is liquid, after the crystallization process which is very fast due to its high glucose content the honey becomes white coloured. It is recommended if you do physical or mental activity, or if you do sports. Rape honey has low acid content. Its sugars are simple sugars (monosaccharide) so people who have diabetes can consume it as well.


Ramsons honey

Ramsons (Allium Ursanium) can be found in whole Europe. In Hungary it is only started becoming popular nowadays. It can be mainly found in Hungary in the underwood of hornbeams, oak trees and beech trees. It has a strong garlic scent. The first leaves appear in April, blossoming is in May. Ramsons honey is a rare type of honey, the biggest areas where this plant is grown are in Hungary in Europe. The flowers are white and they are very sensitive to the changes of weather which influences the quantity of nectar. In the extracted honey we cannot smell the aroma of ramsons flower. It is a spicy, seasoned honey with delicious taste, the colour is light brown. The effects of ramsons honey is similar to garlic, helps the vitamin C replacement. It is a natural antibiotic and is recommended if you have flu. It is a perfect restorative, and also has a cardio protective effect. Ramsons honey blocks arteriosclerosis and cleans blood. It has a good effect on stomach and bowels. Ramsons honey optimizes heart problems and bowel problems caused by the stomach. It is recommended if you cough or has any rheumatic problems. It reduces the level of cholesterol.


Forest honey

Bees collected the nectars of forest’s plants in the Trans-Danubian forests of Hungary. The colour of the forest honey is dark brown, it has a delicious, spicy taste full with flavour..


Hawthorn Honey

Hawthorn belongs to the family of roses, it grows on thorny bushes or small trees. Hawthorn is also used as a herb. It has a good effect on heart function. The colour of the hawthorn honey is from mid-brown to dark brown. This type of honey has unique flavour. Crystallization is fast, it does not have an influence on the quality of honey, it is a natural process. Hawthorn honey reduces the risk of cardiovascular system illnesses and helps the blood circulation in the coronary and the veins of the heart. It strengthens the cells of the cardiac muscles and increases their performance as well. It is recommended if you have arteriosclerosis or heart problems. This type of honey harmonises the blood pressure. Besides these favourable qualities it can be the favourite honey of those people who like delicate tastes.


Chestnut honey

Pollen is collected from the chestnut tree flowers. Its colour is from amber yellow to dark brown. The taste of this honey is slightly bitter.  Consuming of chestnut honey helps haematogenesis and it has a good effect on tired and exhausted organism. Regular consumption prevents thrombosis evolvement and reduces the varicose vein.

Acacia honey with lavender

This product is made of acacia honey and lavender flower in which you can feel the scent and taste of lavender.

Coriander honey

The Latin name of coriander is Coriandrum Sativum. It is a special honey from the nectar of the plant. The colour of this honey is light or mid-brown. The honey of this herb has a preventive effect for joint problems, stimulate digestion, eliminates tympanites, it has carminative, digestion stimulating and blood purifier effect as well.

Cream honey

Cream honey is made of crystallised rape honey and liquid acacia honey. It contains no added material and the only process is mixing. In the course of crystallization by mixing the honey several times we finally get a fine, creamy honey. If you spread this kind of honey on a slice of bread it never drops down that is why it is recommended to families with small children. When you have tonsillitis these fine crystals mildly scrape the inflamed area and this way the antiseptic effect is much better. Cream honey similar to rape honey is slightly acidic so releases the symptoms of acid reflux.


Acacia honey-comb

This type of honey contains the nectars of the beautiful Hungarian acacia forests and a piece of comb filled up with honey, covered and built by the little bees. It has the same features as mentioned above by the acacia honey.


Pollen is a multi-coloured substance, which contains 20-47 % of digestible proteins with all of the amino acid, sugar, mineral substance, fatty acid and vitamin. Effects: increases the number of red blood cells, strengthens cardiac muscle, reduces the symptoms of depression, increases the physical and mental capacity and regenerate cells. It is recommended for all age-group. It helps to the school children in their mental and sport activity. Adults can use it for curing ulcered legs.


Bees collect propolis from the top- growth of trees. Its main component is propolis flavon, additionally it contains amino acids, vitamins, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, iron and near 30 trace elements. Propolis is a natural antibiotic, bactericidal, inflammation inhibitory, painkiller, which has a regenerative effect on cells, stimulates the immune system and it has good effect against fatigue.

Honey products

Acacia honey with elderflower

This product is made of acacia honey and elderflower, in which you can feel the scent and taste of elderflower.